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Home Golf Academy & Lessons Tips from the Professionals
We know it’s not easy to take the best swing each and every time, so our team of professionals regularly provide video tips to inspire you on how to get the most out of your golf and improve your game.
As we welcome Darcy Salamon back to Kooyonga, he would like to take this opportunity to provide a demonstration on how to use the new club washers which have been installed at the short game area and the importance of filling divots with sand.
Pitch marks on the greens are a common sight and a source of frustration to all members. All members and guests are encouraged to ensure that any pitch marks made on the greens are carefully repaired.
It does not matter how well you swing the club, if you are in the wrong position in your setup, the rest of the swing will be effected. Check out the following video to ensure that you are addressing the ball in the correct fashion. This will be especially helpful for people that don’t make consistent contact with the ball, ie; you hit the ball fat or thin.
In this video tip, Head Professional John Corbett demonstrates how to consistently set up to the ball. At times while practicing and when on-course, our shots can be drastically affected by the way that we set up to the ball. If our body is not set up appropriately, it does not matter how well you swing the club, you will find it terribly hard to be consistent.
Susie Mathews, Certified PGA Professional, provides a tip on how to hit the golf ball more consistently in the wind. Golfers often swing too quickly or attempt to hit the ball too hard in windy conditions. Susie suggests to swing the club at a 75% tempo in windy conditions to ensure you maintain a good impact position and allow the ball to fly more consistently through the air.
In this video Daniel Blackwell, Teaching Professional explains that a common cause of the low-handicapper’s inability to break par consistently is due to poor course management. So observe your lie, plot your best options and stay disciplined with the smart shot instead of the more appealing one.